Publications directly relevant to clients and stakeholders in Wales and published under the LE Wales, London Economics, or LE Europe brands are listed here.
Qualifications Wales commissioned this report from LE Wales to give a picture of how the market for GCSEs and A levels in Wales is evolving. Qualifications Wales will use the findings from this study to help develop its approach to regulating the qualifications system. As the main provider of general qualifications in Wales, this report […]
Given the continuing political debate about the inclusion of international students in UK migration targets, and the limited number of analyses of their net economic impact to date, London Economics were commissioned by the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) and Kaplan International Pathways to undertake a detailed analysis of both the benefits and costs to […]
The Welsh Government has committed to introduce reform of the arrangements for paying for social care in Wales. As part of the policy development process, the Welsh Government commissioned LE Wales to undertake an independent research study on the future of paying for care in Wales. The work produced material for the Welsh Government providing […]
This review for the Welsh Assembly Government presents data on the volume and spend on publicly funded respite care services in Wales for both adults and children/young people, reports on consultations with carers, and makes a number of policy recommendations to the Welsh Assembly Government. The recommendations form the basis of a public consultation by […]
Independent Commission on Funding & Finance for Wales
January, 2010
This research was undertaken for the Independent Commission on Funding and Finance for Wales (the ‘Holtham Commission’). Using the funding allocation mechanisms for health, local government and schools in England, the research shows that it is possible to replicate these funding outcomes with a high degree of accuracy by using much simpler needs-based formulae. The […]
This study reviews the international literature on the economic impacts of large scale investments in both physical and intellectual infrastructure. Evidence across a range of sectors is examined, including transport, ICT, education and renewable energy.
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW)
June, 2006
In 2005, London Economics were commissioned by the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) to undertake a study to determine in detail the additional costs that can be associated with delivery of courses and modules through the medium of Welsh. Our final report was presented to a sector seminar in September 2006 and HEFCW […]